Secret Method – cont’d
Please join us this Sunday as we continue our study of a powerful method invented by Euclid. Math Circle OnlineSunday May 9, 5:00-6:30pm Look to email for login instructions.
Please join us this Sunday as we continue our study of a powerful method invented by Euclid. Math Circle OnlineSunday May 9, 5:00-6:30pm Look to email for login instructions.
Please join us for our weekly problem solving session. Math Circle Problem SolversTuesday May 4 6:30-7:00pm Look to email for login instructions.
The Math Circle resumes this Sunday! We are going to investigate a Secret Method, developed over 2000 years ago, that is used by real world clandestine organisations, but is not usually taught in school math classes. Math Circle OnlineSunday May 2, 5:00-6:30pm Look to email for login instructions
Please join us for our weekly problem solving session. Math Circle Problem SolversTuesday April 20 6:30-7:00pm Look to email for login instructions.
Join us this Sunday as we conclude the egg dropping experiments… using an infinite number of eggs. Math Circle OnlineSunday 5:00-6:30 April 18 Look to email for login instructions.
Please join us for our weekly problem solving session. Math Circle Problem SolversTuesday April 13 6:30-7:00pm Look to email for login instructions.
We continue our experiments at the Objectively Mathematically Logical Egg Testing Company (OMLET-Co)… dropping more eggs! Math Circle OnlineSunday April 11 5:00-6:30pm Look to email for login instructions.
Please join us for our weekly problem solving session. Math Circle Problem SolversTuesday April 6 6:30-7:00pm Look to email for login instructions.
Please join us for our weekly Problem Solving session: Tuesday March 30 6:30-7:00pm Look to email for login instructions.
You have been appointed Head Test Engineer at the Objectively Mathematically Logical Egg Testing company (OMLET). Each day you get delivered a batch of genetically engineered “robust eggs.” Your job as test engineer: find out how high the eggs can be dropped before they smash! Remember the company motto: You can’t work at OMLET without …